OK, I've grown a bit since. This is my 7th birthday party in 1976. |
My Nan is still moving at a rapid rate. It's just amazing. I really really hope that she will be able to go back to her aged care home before Christmas instead of being in rehab/hospital. She has been moved to a room where she shares with another lady, and she is loving her hired TV. She is a great cricket fan, so she enjoyed that the last few days.
I had my birthday on the weekend - a bit of a non-event usually, but my Auntie came up from melbourne to be with me, and it was really great catching up with her, and seeing pics of her new home in melbourne after her move from perth.
She told me alot of things from my past which I think will be really helpful to me. The weather was not very kind; very steamy and icky, although Sunday was the best of them. I had a little tear in my eye when I popped her back on the bus at the station (another classic train trip - by bus!).
I saw Nan last night and she was happy to see me and is the best I've seen her yet. I have now worked out how to do her laundry - I have re-discovered my container of Nappysan!!!
I have the day off today just for me to catch up on chores/get groceries. I'm going to take it slow, but not too slow - I still want to get things done!
I really want to get onto my CSI challenge page no 48 if I can. I didn't have any time or energy over the weekend.
I watched the digitally re-mastered Star Wars original saga IV, V & VI during the week. WOW. The additions are quite amazing and give it a well rounded feel. The only bit I didn't like was that Anniken Skywalker the younger was the ghost you see at the end, rather than the old self one. Ahhh... memories. I was too small for New Hope or Empire Strikes Back (plus our parents felt they were too scary), but I saw Return of the Jedi at the cinema, in 1980something.
I got some nice practical birthday presents (my favourites) mostly for my garden. My hoses are tired, my fittings leaking, and my gardening gloves ready to run away. My Auntie gave me scrapbooking tape - lovely patterns and plains.