I love love loved the pretty
CSI palette for #240 so I really wanted to do a page - and probably in the shabby chic genre. Of the questions in the inspiration, no 20 stuck out the most to me - 'Who is the most talented person I know?' really made me think. My Dad is good at wood turning. Mum is good at general cooking. My cousin is a professional artist. But what do I consider talent?
So I put this page together about my Nan because one of the main reasons why I liked her was she was so good at so many things - and really really good. Many of which I was no good at! And although she is no longer living, the things she made are still here - her crochet'd rugs, furniture, and things she owned like this cake tin, which remind me of her.
Talented Person - Oct 2017 digi layout - CSI #240 |
CSI #240 challenge |
i will come back and put the ingredients in.
The Scheme - yes
Testimony : October Prompt no 20, decorate your journal 'spot'
Evidence: polka dots, stripes, strawberry, heart, cake, butterfly, flowers, ric rac, texture paste (white), pleating, something dangling (butterfly pendant), pearls, stamp, sprinkle something (beads)