Saturday, 6 February 2016

Palms and Puppy Therapy Feb 2016

I'm back into the rhythm of things now after  a break away from work. Back into painting (two on the go at the moment), and now doing yoga twice a week. The yoga is improving in leaps and bounds and things I struggled to do last year I can now do. Last weekend I actually got my palms onto the floor and put weight onto them from a standing position. Sure, my legs were not straight, but this is the first time since I was like 8 that I've been able to do that. I feel, in my body, the best I've ever felt.

I am also extending my morning walks to 3-4kms and being 'adventurous' for the first time ever. Going into new subdivision areas, seeing a path and following it to see where it goes, and things like that. This is all new to me.

The other day at work someone bought in their new puppy; a Cavdoodle (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cross miniature poodle). I had a play and a hold. It was just WONDERFUL. The puppy teared around like a freight train, and needled everything in sight with its teeth, but when I picked it up and massaged its little muscles, it flopped its head down on my arm and its whole body relaxed. Later I also taught it to 'drop' said toy so I could throw it again, as everyone else was having a tug of war to release. It's been a long time since I've played with a puppy. All my friends are cat people!

part of a pelican painting I'm currently working on (acrylic on paper)
My first attempt on paper this time around.

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