I have been really 'into things' the past few weeks. More paintings into local exhibitions (sales) and more unsold paintings coming back into the fold here at home. I went out and painted IRL out at a site which is very dear to my heart - Wonga Wetlands in Albury - which is a brilliant site for bird watching, and was darn good to paint from my little easel too.
I felt a little like a Heidelberg School Artist; looking at gum trees, brown water, and those muddy greens and staring constantly at the warm reflections in the water and amazed at how much sky shone through. I was a frenzy of nerves beforehand and over-planned the exercise to ridiculous proportions, but was able to find a combination where I could carry everything; including a chair, mini table, mini easel, 3 blank canvases, and all my paint, brushes, water (for drinking and separate for painting) and tissues, etc. I couldn't have gone miles with this combo - but easily got out of site of the car park! There were only two other brave souls (even though the days was brilliant - sunny and clear and not too hot) but they decided not to lug stuff and just took a sketchpad and pencils!
The painting was like nothing I've ever done before. It looks respectable and traditional! (that would be a first!). It is almost finished after 3 hours outside.
Then the weekend before I went on a birding marathon with my Mum (and driver Dad). We did Wonga on the Saturday (62 species) - highlight for me was a male Little Eagle overhead (being bombarded by Sulphur Crested Cockatoos) which we got a really good look at, and Chiltern Forest and Chiltern Valley Rd no 2 site as well as Eldorado dredge and sportsground. We got lots of wildflowers at Chiltern Forest - more than I've seen there in a long time, and a few special birds here and there.
Since then I have been undercoating various projects just to see if they are paintable, and doing the Big Spring Clean of the house - so much has already gone out the door, but so much more to go.
My painting from Wonga Wetlands (unfinished) after some outdoor on-site painting! |
I forgetus its nameus |
Caladenia cucullata |
Grevillea alpina |
Brachyloma daphnoides |